Friday, October 30, 2009

We Featured a local capetonian group from Belhar called Frontline Soulja's from Blackout records. Find out about their style and more.

By Denisia Adams
Stentorian /sten-TOR-ee-uhn\
1.Extremely loud.
Eg. Stop that man," Tom yelled in a stentorian voice as he pushed his way
through the crowd after the pickpocket.

How did the group TKZee form their name?
Answer: T is for Tokollo; K is for Kabelo; Zee is for Zwai.
TKZee: the band that has rewritten the South African musical history books by becoming the biggest selling Kwaito music group ever.

Admitting to heart risk concerns for the first time, stun-gun maker TASER International is warning police to avoid firing the devices directly at suspects’ chests. Though the company stressed that suffering an "adverse cardiac event" after being shocked by the weapon is "extremely unlikely," human rights groups dispute this claim and say that hundreds of people have been killed by electroshock weapons. These groups say the company’s new guidelines, which lower the recommended point of aim "from center of mass to lower-center of mass for front shots," are essentially an admission that the devices can cause heart attacks.

How to Cheer Up
Isn't it annoying when you're feeling down, and people nonchalantly tell you to cheer up? It's easier said than done. While you can't improve your mood with the snap of your fingers, the following steps might help you climb out of a rut. Try them!
Make faces. There's something called the "facial feedback hypothesis" which basically says that whatever face you make will affect how you feel. Usually, it works the other way around: if you're grouchy, you scowl; if you're happy, you smile; if you're surprised or scared, you open your eyes and mouth. But it's a two way street. If you want to feel happy and cheerful, force yourself to smile. Really smile. Hold that expression for 10 seconds. Repeat as needed. It's almost like engaging the "smile muscles" activates the "happy section" of your brain associated with smiling.
o If you're worried about looking silly or crazy, do it privately.

o Doing this while looking in the mirror might be more effective.
2. Sing and dance. You know how when you stand up straight, you seem to feel a little more confident? Although it hasn't been proven, there might be a "body feedback hypothesis". Take that to the extreme. Hide out in your room, put on a happy song, and dance and sing along like you mean it. If you don't know the words to a song, look up the lyrics and read them as you sing, or make up your own lyrics as you go along (they don't have to make sense!). As far as dancing is concerned, it doesn't really matter what you do, especially since nobody's watching. Do the robot, the chicken dance, the moonwalk etc. The key with this step is to let loose. The wackier, the better. Even if you feel awful, just pretend you're an obnoxiously happy person and you'll improve your mood by several notches.
3. Take a power nap. Although tiredness or exhaustion might not be what put you in a rut, it can certainly push you further down. Plus, sometimes a nap can function like a "second morning", similar to pushing the reset button on electronics. Once you get up, take a shower or at least wash your face. Do whatever you can to make it feel like a fresh start.
4. Meditate. It's not about the crossed legs or candles or mantras in this case; it's about becoming aware of your thoughts so that they don't control you. Imagine your thoughts are being displayed on one of those electronic scroll screens. Just watch them go by. Don't judge them, don't tell yourself you shouldn't be thinking this or that, don't get frustrated. Just watch. You'll probably observe the same thoughts repeating themselves, like a broken record. If you meditate in this way long and often enough, you'll notice the repetitive thoughts dropping off on their own, one by one, because you're not acting on them. You're just observing them.
5. Be thankful. Everyone has something to be grateful for. Make a list of the good things that have happened to you. If nothing instantly springs to mind, you aren't trying hard enough. If all else fails, think of how life could be worse, and flip the thought process to recognize what you do have. For example: You're flunking out of school. How could it be worse? You could not even have a chance to go to school. You could be at the end, rather than the beginning of the term. Then your thought process can turn into "Well, at least I have a chance to go to school, and I still have time to turn my grades around." Get a notebook and a pen, and write down all the good things that you have. Every time you are feeling negative, read through them and remind yourself that it's not all bad.
6. Cheer someone else up. There's an idea that floats around many New Age circles that says if you want something, give it (sincerely) to someone else. The basis is that you can't really give what you don't already have, so in giving something, you'll find it in yourself and realize that you had it all along. It's pretty easy to see how this can work on an emotional level. If you can make someone else happy, why can't you make yourself happy? So ask the people around you how they are doing. Listen to them. And try to find a way to make them feel better. You'll draw your attention away from your own negativity and in doing away with theirs, you'll probably get rid of yours too.
7. Forgive. In addition to being thankful, it is also good practice to forgive those who have hurt you in the past. Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and concentrate on the people you want to forgive. Imagine you are sitting in a circle with those who have done you harm. See their faces in your mind, and take turns concentrating on each one of them individually. When you really feel connected to one of them, say out loud, "I forgive you". Ideally this routine is ended by forgiving yourself for things in your life that you regret or cannot control. The purpose of this exercise is to create serenity with feelings of peace and renewal. Note that you don't forgive others for their benefit (or because they deserve it); it's for your benefit, so you can put the past behind you and move on.
8. Accept. This concept, which is central to eastern philosophies like Buddhism, is based on the idea that the world is perfect just the way it is. There is much around us that isn't perfect.. and that's okay. We can just accept this state of affairs, and decide that we don't need our life to be perfect in order for us to cheer up. This is related to the point Be Grateful, above.

WE ALSO FEATURED:FRONTLINE SOULJA’S. Frontline Soulja’s is a local capetonian group all the way from Belhar. The group consist of three members, Anges Martin aka Snow (producer/marketer), Godfrey Moses aka TruColourz and finally Justin McCartney. Frontline soldiers are currently working on their album which will be released next year February called, “New Beginnings”.They've incorporated Cape Afrikaans, English, Sotho and Xhosa in their mix. The group also wishes to promote positive living through their music especially since they’ve come from the streets, seen/been through the bad yet maintained positivity. They believe in message in the music but promises some grooves to get down to as well on their album.

Albert Einstein
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!

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