Monday, July 14, 2008

By Chanel September

Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you well and oh so good. Today is the 14th of July 2008 and that of course means that it is the Monday Edition of the Morning Cruise…Its back to school for many school learners, I know that I was always loved going back because then I get to see all my friends and for some reason after a while the holiday’s became boring because you don’t have anything to do…none the less weather you were on holiday for two weeks or two days I do hope that you got all and I mean all the rest that you deserve this weekend, and that you got to spend time with those people in your life that you care for so much. I also hope that you relaxed and chilled out too, so that you can start this week a fresh with a positive perspective…turning over a new leave…for me this week I decided to… just have fun at all costs…

Moving onto today’s show we had all the usuals such as you’re Word of the Day, your SA Q&A, and you’re Tip of the Day.

Word of the Day:

SEGUE - To proceed without interruption; to make a smooth transition

Trivial Question:

Q: Name the renowned SA boxer known as the small fighter with a big heart?
A: Baby Jake" Matlala

Tip of the Day:

I’ve got your tips on techniques you can use to defuse conflicts and enhance communication…So here are some tips on doing so…

1. Criticize the issue or behavior, not the person. By dealing with the issue or the behavior, you avoid attacking the other person. If you are “arguing” with your teen about a curfew, stick to the issue of the curfew or to his/her behavior of breaking curfew. Don’t dredge up all of past
mistakes or call the person a “fool who can’t do anything right.” That is attacking the person. It will damage his/her self-esteem and will only create barriers.

2. Realize that each person has worth. It is almost impossible to practice active or reflective listening if you dismiss the speaker as inferior or worthless. You don’t have to agree with the person, but it is crucial that you respect his/her right to a different opinion and acknowledge his/her sense of value.

3. Avoid absolutes - right/wrong, bad/good. Phrases like “you always” or “you never” are absolutes that impede communication. This is not to say there aren’t situations that are right or wrong, bad or good, but in an argument most right/wrong or bad/ good situations are merely exaggerations and the truth is somewhere in between.

4. Send “I feel” messages instead of “you” messages. When you say, “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you are sending a “you” message. An “I” message would be, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” The “you” message lays blame on the speaker. The “I” message clarifies your concerns. The “I” message is concerned with the issue. The “you” message attacks the person.

5. Engage your brain and suspend your emotions. The ultimate goal is to turn the verbal conflict into a discussion. Instead of letting your emotions take over, ask yourself, “How can I help solve this problem? What solution is best for both of us? What can we change? You need to control your emotions for the sake of the issue. Listen actively and nonjudgmental.

Quote of the Day:

Henry Ford - Enthusiasm generates powers. It generates boldness, courage; kindles confidence, overcomes doubts. It creates endless energy, the source of all accomplishment

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Monday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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