Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you are absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Tuesday. By know you should know that Tuesdays here on MC is all about keeping you in the know…that our job and our duty so we’ve choose to dub it as Omniscient Tuesday…Just a quick reminder if you didn’t know then now you know today of course is the 4th of November 2008…well as a result I hope and trust that so far you’re morning has been completely fabulous or just plain fantastic… If it’s your birthday on the 309th day of the year then happy birthday… So are you scared of needles…I am so scared hate them so much because it hurts…if you thinking why because a little later on I have things to do to overcome your fear of needles
Don't think about it a lot; just count down in your head or think of something you're looking forward to.

Just go for it and let them do it without any tears or sobs from you, you don't want to be there any longer than you have to.

Do not watch them put the needle in you, you will forget all about thinking of good things!

Just remind yourself that you are bigger than this and that it is going to help you, not hurt you.

Remember to relax, look away, count from 100 to 1, when you are distracted you are not thinking about the needle and by the time you reach one you will be ready to leave.

Word of the Day:

Alacrity - cheerful willingness; eagerness

Trivial Question:

Q: What is traditional South African meat balls better know as?
A: Frikkadel

Did You Knows:

It is impossible to lick your elbow… Another interesting fact… There are 86,400 seconds in day

We had interviews with:

Daphane Brandbury and she’ll be chatting to us in a recorded interview about drug testing in schools.

We also featured an interview with the principal of S.P High School Brian Isaacs and he’ll be chatting to us about potential plans in the pipeline to phase out OBE.

We wrapped up our series of interviews with Daphane Cooper from Inside Out and Outside In and she joined me on the line to chat about using décor as a medium of therapy.

Tip of the Day:

I’ve got your tips on ways to be better than your enemy… Forgiveness and acceptance are the keys to being better than your enemy. Even using the word "enemy" is problematic and if you continue to see life in this black and white context, you will be the one who ends up suffering, not your so-called "enemies".

1. Stop keeping tabs of your enemy's achievements and your belittlements. If you continue think of yourself as hard done by in relation to your enemy, you effectively give that person power over you to ruin your day. You make that person into something they are not - your keeper, your guiding point and your unwanted mentor.

2. Stop referring to the other person an enemy. So, they don't like you or you feel that they showed you up in some way. It doesn't make things better by calling them an enemy. As life goes on, you will continue to meet people you don't much like but you have to learn to get along with them for the sake of harmonious relations as a whole.

3. Turn the other cheek. Whether or not you follow Christian teachings, this is as good a piece of advice as anything. You provide them with ammunition if you call them names, either to their face or behind their back. And you are the one who is festering while they party; that is no way to live!

4. Live your life. Do not allow this person to discourage you from doing the things you want to do. If this person goes somewhere that you want to go but you feel that you cannot because they are there, go anyway.

5. Look to yourself. What do you need to do better to feel better about yourself? If someone bothers you so much that you feel you need to label them as an "enemy", maybe you are jealous of them or you feel insecure around them. The answer is not to belittle them; it is to find the source of why you feel this way and to seek a solution.

6. Be nice. No matter how rudely the other person treats you, don't return the volley. Remain polite, courteous and curious. Curiosity in what motivates them. When you try to stand in the other person's shoes, interesting things start to reveal themselves, such as how much of a burden that popularity or beauty just may be.

7. Forgive them and accept who you both are. Forgiveness for things done lets you move on and be the stronger person. This means that if you must see it as a confrontation, you "win" in the long run by having peace of mind and intact personal integrity. Accept that both of you are valuable parts of life on this planet and be in awe that you have been given this chance to live a wonderful life.

Quote of the Day:

Alice Meynell - Happiness is not a matter of events, it depends upon the tides of the mind

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Tuesday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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