Friday, November 07, 2008

::::::::ART - C FRIDAY:::::::::

Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you are absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Friday. I hope and trust that you are feeling excellent on this Friday morning…None the less…a big thank – you to Victor J and his team, he’ll be back tomorrow between 6 –9 for ‘It’s all Good’. Thanks…to the news team they’ll be stepping in at half-past nine with your Afrikaans headlines…It is weekend yah to that and I’m sure we are all so happy because finally one more week has come to an end…but I have to be very honest for me today is a sad day for those who don’t know today is my last official day at Bush Radio…Wow what a good place this has been to me…I can’t believe it but ja like they say all good things come to an end… now I was petrified you know how we as people are scared of change, scared of taking on something new… but ja I have decided to take that leap and that is why I have decided to dedicate the entire show to fears, change and greener pastures…

Word of the Day:

RIVE - to split or tear apart or to break into pieces

Trivial Question:

Q: What's plastic, a metre long, brightly coloured and sounds like an
A: Vuvuzela

Did You Knows:

People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a mili-second…I didn’t know that… Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks - otherwise it will digest itself

We had interviews with:

Today’s interviews were with…from the group collaboration Goemarati, we spoke about what Goema is and means and how this music genre differs from other kinds and the link it has with Cape Town.

We also spoke to Liza Englebrecht and she just spoke to us here in the studio about a Joy Market which is a type of festival – where they sell all sorts of arts and crafts.

Then we wrapped up our series of interviews with Rowan Essau from Dreamcast and he’ll be chatting to us about this dance group touching on the name right through to the number of hours that they practice and where to from now for Dreamcast.

Tip of the Day:

I’ve got your tips on ways to become what you wish in life… What's the meaning of life? Well, maybe nobody really knows the answer to that question, but figuring out what your purpose in life is can be accomplished with some honest introspection. Figuring out your overall plan can help you achieve your ultimate goal and be what you want to be.

1. Think hard about your aspirations. What is it that you are passionate about? How do you want to benefit (from) other people?

2. Understand your strengths. What do you find comes easiest to you, or that you enjoy doing the most? Do you have an innate talent in mathematics? Do you find it easy to express emotions to other people? Are you comfortable speaking with other people? Do you have a passion for educating others on the topics with which you are most familiar? Are you a one-of-a-kind athlete? These are only a handful of potential questions that you could ask yourself.

3. Consider some potential career options. There are a multitude of careers out there, but they will ultimately narrow down to that which you enjoy doing the most. Think about what actually is in you — the real you, and your real wish. It may help to consider what you would be willing to pay to do, or to do even if you weren't being paid.

4. Ask your friends and family. What personal characteristics and talents do you reflect to them? What do they think would be good for you, in terms of a career, that highlight these characteristics? Although you should not rely completely on what they suggest, there is great value in their observations of what they see in you as a person.

5. Have confidence. Become your own person. Don't follow anyone else's style — create your own. Make decisions based on your own aspirations and goals for yourself. Don't base your standards or values on the standards of others.

6. Join clubs or other organizations that pertain to your talent. You can become more familiar with your determined area of expertise, further strengthening your talents.

7. Set your goals and commit to them. Be certain with yourself that you want to follow through with a particular area for the foreseeable future. Don't make a decision and change your mind in a matter of months. Write down your goals and revisit the list often.

8. Follow your dreams. Don't let anyone hold you back.

Quote of the Day:

Henry David Thoreau - Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

It’s time for me to love and leave you. I have had a fantastic and amazing time being a presenter of the Morning Cruise and being part of the Bush Radio family…I in the first hour of the show I said that we are always so scared and fear change some much in life…I still do, but will at least try my best…To all the listeners you have been so good to me and welcomed me…Thank-you so much…Thanks so much to Denisia Adams the producer of MC for an excellent week…Well on that note You must have a fantastic and super rest of your Friday and a wonderful weekend, whatever you do please be safe… But before I go…You must have oh so super Friday. …Much Love…Peace.

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