Thursday, November 06, 2008


Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you are absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Thursday. Now last week I shared with you that I love riddles and taking part in games it can be fun and I thought this week mmm about a tongue twister… Six sharp smart sharks…(Talk)…Can you say it well try even if you in the kitchen washing to dishes or laying in bed or driving somewhere…The answer will come your way at the end of the show, but I will remind…. None the less…It has just gone…and a quick reminder in case you didn’t know today in fact is the 6th of November 2008 now if its your birthday today then happy happy birthday hope you have a super day and that everyone around you carries you on their hands… What is your biggest life regret? Do you have one or have you since moved on and dealt with it? Maybe you said something to someone and afterwards you thought to yourself ooh I should have just kept quite that is what I did said something and later on regretted it… This will show you how to effectively let go of the past…

Gather up all of your past regrets and write them on paper if you have many of them

Go through them one by one while still keeping in mind, you can't change the past

Think about how you benefited from the choices you made in the past

Look toward the future

If you have hurt anyone by actions or words, confront them and tell them your regrets

Think of what you can do next time it if is to occur again

Remember that you can't change the past, and constantly reflecting on your mistakes will just keep you in a rut

Don't make yourself sick about the past, what's done is done

Talking to someone whether it be a family member, friend, or professional can help you let go of the past and look forward to the future

Word of the Day:

Ennui - boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest

Trivial Question:

Q: Name the unique SA side dish made from tomatoes, onions, chillies and
curry spice?
A: Chakalaka

Did You Knows:

A yawn usually lasts for approximately six seconds…I didn’t know that… An owl has three eyelids

We had interviews with:

Erica Laspe from the Western Cape Association for Persons with Disability and she be joined me in studio to chat about the Puppet Project.

We also spoke to Farouk Abbas Mitchell’s Plain People’s Forum and he spoke to us here on MC about E-Community.

Then we wrapped up our series of Community Buzz interview with Aimee Franklin and she spoke to us about Paper Clips against Prejudice.

Tip of the Day:

I’ve got your tips on to be your very own hero… Trust that voice within, the good one, not the one that tells you to give up and go to the pub. Improve those problematic areas in your life by becoming your 'hero'.

1. Choose Your Hero - Choose your Hero: first you must choose a personal hero; real, fictional, dead or alive. What are the qualities you look up to in this person? If you don't have one, you can create one based on the qualities you most admire in people or would love to possess. Such as being confident, strong, assertive or authoritative.

2. Emulate Your Hero - Emulate your hero: to begin with simply consider the qualities of this hero and act some out in private. Get into their mindset by assuming their posture, using their expressions and striding in the same strong manner.

3. Re-enact The Past - Re-enact the past: consider some situations at work you think should have gone better. This may have been during a meeting or presentation, whilst on the phone or just chatting with your boss during lunch. Next play out these scenes as your hero. How would they have acted in the same situations? What would they have said or done?

4. Try Your New Status For Real - Try it for real: now you have to take on some of these characteristics. It may feel strange as you are not used to behaving this way.

5. See how it feels to use these qualities in reality - Ask yourself whether you were just acting as your hero or if you were uncovering hidden attributes to your own personality. You will probably discover that you are not just pretending to be your hero – but that you are, in fact, your own hero.

Quote of the Day:

Vincent van Gogh - What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Thursday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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