Thursday, October 16, 2008


Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you are absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Thursday. Now apart from that it’s also World Food Day - the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded in 1945.The World Food Day theme for 2008 is "World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy…so here’s what I want you today just take one minute and think of those who don’t have food… how to make a hate box up next…So I’ve got how to make a HATE BOX…If you thinking what is a Hate Box well its a box designed to withhold angry thoughts that you know you can't just direct at any random person. In short: it's a place to store items that help you to let off steam and (later on) find relief that you didn't actually say that to a person's face!

1. Find a box. You can find decorative boxes in gift shops or maybe one in your storage. It can even just be a labeled, cardboard box. Some people might find pleasure in making one by hand.

2. Find a good hiding place. Before you start writing angry thoughts, you might want to find a location where nobody will find it and open it (unless you want to be totally open about your angry thoughts). Some places might be under your bed, in the back of your closet, or simply inside a drawer.

3. Write down your angry thoughts. For this to work, you got to be really mad or angry about something or at someone. For example: take a scrap piece of paper and write down what you'd like to say to your best friend, who stole away the person you loved (which they knew!) Then just fold up the paper and put it into the Hate Box.

4. After you've let off some steam, go face the problem and you'll find that you're able to deal with it in a more level-headed manner.

Word of the Day:

HARPY – (a) A greedy person. (b) A bad-tempered woman…

Trivial Question:

Q: Name the coach of the national South African cricket team?
A: Mickey Arthur

Did You Knows:

A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water …I didn’t know that…And listen closely to this one…Not all our taste buds are on our tongue; about 10% are on the palette and the cheeks

We had interviews with:

David Muller and he spoke to us about laughter classes sounds very interesting so he just told us more about the sessions and classes itself and why laughter is so good for you and therapeutic.

We also spoke to That was an interview with Jeaun August from the SPCA – and he spoke to us about their charity shop.

Lastly we featured an interview with Raymond Ranchard from the Grassy Park Wellness Centre and he spoke to us about the Diabetes Support Group…

Tip of the Day:

I’ve got your tips on how to act around someone that you don’t like… We all have one: that annoying or arrogant person who we just can't seem to get away from. You don't want to be rude, but why cant they just leave you alone?

1. Avoid revealing personal information to this person such as your place of employment, address, or phone number. He or she may use it and you'll be forced to spend even more time with this person.

2. Keep around plenty of "cushion friends," or those friends that the two of you have in common that may prevent the possibility of a one-on-one conversation.

3. Don't ask too many questions about his or her life. The person may think that you care and go on a tangent, and you'll be stuck.

4. If you run into the person in a public place, act very preoccupied or in a hurry to get somewhere. Excuse yourself to the restroom and never return.

5. Keep track of where you see the person and when, and plan an opposite schedule for yourself.

6. Brainstorm plenty of excuses for not having to hang out with them. You're low on cash, very tired or ill, or have obligations to a friend or family member in need.

7. If you're forced into conversation, talk about something the person knows nothing about. He or she will soon lose interest.

8. Try to maintain a distance. Don't make it too obvious, but as much as you can, keep yourself at a distance.

9. Try and remain non-chalant to the person's life or activities. Don't bother what he or she does and keep yourself aloof.

10. Always be honest.

Quote of the Day:

Jean Paul Richter - Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Thursday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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