Peter Harley a community hero, award winner and ex drug addict joined us as well as humble volunteers at the Association for disabled people. All that and more on the Morning Cruise
By Denisia Adams
pariah (pa – rye – ah)
1.A social outcast
2. An Untouchable.
What monument marks the spot where Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962?
A – Mandela Monument B – Robben Island C – Guguletu seven
Answer: A –
For over a year, the Chinese government has campaigned against Internet addiction, saying young people's excessive time in Internet cafes is hurting their studies and damaging family life. However, after media reports surfaced regarding the use of electroshock therapy to treat teenage Internet addicts, the Ministry of Health released a statement questioning the safety and effectiveness of the treatment and banning its use in this population. Nearly 3,000 teens have been subjected to the "electric impact therapy" as part of a four-month Internet addiction treatment program at
How to Delegate
Whether you're a corporate executive, retail manager, or stay at home parent, delegating is a critical skill in personal effectiveness. But for a variety of reasons, it can be difficult to pull off.
Stop waiting for people to volunteer. If you've got martyr syndrome, you're probably overwhelmed, and you wonder why people don't ever offer to help. And when they do, maybe you turn them down, just to be polite, and quietly wonder why they didn't insist. After all, if you saw them in your position, you'd probably help them in a heartbeat and you wouldn't take no for an answer. The fact is, however, that not everyone is as sensitive as you are. Actually, many people are quite oblivious to what others are going through, and there's not much you can do to change them. Let go of any frustration you might have over people not offering a helping hand; remember that it's ultimately your job to communicate your needs.
Ask and you shall receive. Lots of folks are uncomfortable with asking for help. Maybe you feel guilty, like you're burdening others; or you feel shameful, because you think (for some reason) that you're supposed be able to handle everything on your own; or you just feel proud of your struggle, and see it as a badge of honor--proof that you're a noble human being (another manifestation of martyr syndrome). If you see asking for help as some form of weakness, you need to get over that, because it's the other way around: trying to do everything yourself is a weakness.
Delegate the objective, not the procedure.This is the key to not becoming a nightmare of a micro-manager. Set clear standards for what kind of results you're looking for, and show the person how you do it, but tell them that they can do it any way they want, as long as it's on time. And give them enough time not only to learn, but also to experiment and innovate. Don't train them like a robot; train them like a human being--someone who can adapt and improve.
Allocate resources necessary to complete the task. You may have resources available that are necessary to complete the task but the person given the task may not be able to access them. Things like password protected data, specialized equipment. Don't forget that the person is likely time bound too. What work will they set aside or delegate in order to complete the task?
Be patient. The person to whom you delegate will make mistakes. It's part of the learning process. Plan for it. Don't delegate a task assuming the person will execute it perfectly until they have a proven track record. If they don't perform under such unrealistic circumstances, that's your fault, not theirs. When you train someone to do something, you're making an investment. At first, it'll slow you down, but in the long run, it'll increase productivity by leaps and bounds--if you've approached the whole thing with a positive and realistic attitude.
Peter Harley who joined us from the Frontiers gets the kids together on a Friday evenings. Frontiers imparts valuable information to the kids through challenges, games, exercises and discussions. They put all their effects into empowering the youth especially since in the Western Cape the youth have become increasingly dependent on drugs etc. Frontiers will be having a benefit concert called Addicted to life sending a message out especially to the youth to live positively and love life. They have an amazing line up with guest appearances from funny man Marc Lottering, as well as ex idols winner Karien and the main acts The Boyz and more. The funds raised will go to the organisation. To find out more contact Jennifer on 082 048 4340 or email
Lastly we were joined by two lovely ladies Debbie and Alma from the Ocean View Associations for persons with disabilities. They also have a knitting club who provides blankets to the crèches in the area. They currently seeking assistance whether it be volunteers, donations, yarn for the knitting club and more. To find out more contact them on 021 783 12 74 or email
Robert Schuller
As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the uniqueness of others.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between
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