1. Humorously crude; risqué.
2. Vulgar
What South African artist did a cover of the late Michael Jackson classic, “Man In The Mirror”?.
A – The late Brenda Fassie B – The late Redangel aka Jerome Martin
C – Danny K
DID YOU KNOW (www.didyouknow.org)
The number of recorded CDs and blank CDs sold has been about equal. Also did you know A piano covers the full spectrum of all orchestra instruments, from below the lowest note of the double bassoon to above the top note of the piccolo.
How to Make the Weekend Seem Longer
1. Humorously crude; risqué.
2. Vulgar
What South African artist did a cover of the late Michael Jackson classic, “Man In The Mirror”?.
A – The late Brenda Fassie B – The late Redangel aka Jerome Martin
C – Danny K
DID YOU KNOW (www.didyouknow.org)
The number of recorded CDs and blank CDs sold has been about equal. Also did you know A piano covers the full spectrum of all orchestra instruments, from below the lowest note of the double bassoon to above the top note of the piccolo.
How to Make the Weekend Seem Longer
1 Wake up at your usual time
The biggest mistake is to assume that the weekend is great for a sleep-in. When you do this, you not only get your body out of sync, you have just kissed goodbye to precious time that can be put to better use. Go to bed earlier if you're exhausted Friday night and sleep in on the odd Saturday when you really are thoroughly shredded, but don't eat into your weekend on a regular basis.
2 Do the chores first
2 Do the chores first
Nobody wants to do the chores and very few people get a thrill out of cleaning, washing the clothes, and vacuuming. But it has to be done. So the earlier you do it on the weekend, the better. Set aside a time, say 7am - 9am Saturday morning to just do it and get all available hands on deck to help. You'll feel a huge sense of relief when it is done and it clears the way for the rest of the weekend. This is also the time to add the special food to the marinade, or to thaw it, or to get it started cooking.
3 Get the grocery shopping out of the way too
3 Get the grocery shopping out of the way too
If you can, try to grocery shop one week night. That is one less thing to worry about then. If not, add it to the early Saturday morning chores list and have it done by 10am before a lot of other people are even getting out of bed and considering doing it. Always avoid afternoon grocery shopping on weekends - that is when everyone else is doing it too and you'll be waylaid in traffic, have a hard time finding ideal parking spots, and you'll be in queues in the shops. That is just a waste of your time. Use the grocery time to catch up on haircuts, vet appointments, and to collect the dry-cleaning too.
4 Set aside time to do bill payments and other regular chores
4 Set aside time to do bill payments and other regular chores
Instead of having paperwork hanging over you like a dark cloud all weekend, set aside a specific time when you will sit down and deal with this. If you have time on a weeknight to do the paperwork, this is a good way to move it out of the weekend. If not, add it to the chore times, or allocate the time somewhere that it won't interfere with enjoying weekend activities.
5 Plan to do things
Weekends feel longer if you get out and enjoy them. Mark events to do on your calendar. When you see events in the paper that interest you, cut them out and pin them to the calendar and plan to go. Consider what it is you, your family, your friends etc. like to do together and organise in advance:
oPlan to visit relatives, friends, people in hospital etc.
oPlan to relax; as trite as this sounds, you should spend some of the weekend truly relaxing and that includes not using electronic equipment!
6 Plan an out-of-town trip
oPlan to relax; as trite as this sounds, you should spend some of the weekend truly relaxing and that includes not using electronic equipment!
6 Plan an out-of-town trip
Go for a drive and change of scenery. Take a picnic lunch or stop for lunch in another town. Getting out of your city or town stretches time because your mind is given new things to look at and contemplate. Go hiking, cycling, running, skiing, surfing, sledding, birdwatching, plane spotting, writing poetry under a tree etc. - whatever takes your fancy - as part of your out-of-town trip.
7 Use the evenings well
7 Use the evenings well
Plan to do things in the evenings that do not involve TVs, computers, or video games. These soak up time without it even being realised and suddenly you wonder where that time went. Instead, go out and do things:
o See a movie (it has a fixed time and allows you to do other things)
oGo bowling or do some other indoor sporting activity
oGo out to dinner - it doesn't have to be expensive, just get a group of friends or family and visit somewhere convenient for a pleasant evening of conversation, catching up, and food
8 Plan your meals
oGo bowling or do some other indoor sporting activity
oGo out to dinner - it doesn't have to be expensive, just get a group of friends or family and visit somewhere convenient for a pleasant evening of conversation, catching up, and food
8 Plan your meals
Meal making can soak up a lot of the weekend if you aren't well prepared. A lot of the frustration can come from simply not knowing what to prepare because you shift out of the routine mode of work or study; if you plan weekend meals in advance, it is as easy as going to the kitchen, following the recipe and serving. And make use of the time-saving devices like dishwashers. It is also a good idea to avoid overly time-consuming recipes if you don't enjoy cooking. You will only resent the time being stuck in the kitchen.
9 Treasure your weekend
It is important to respect the time that you do have, which means not doing things that sap away at the time. Spending more time worrying about where the time is going is unprofitable. Weekends are a time to rejuvenate and to spend time thinking and reflecting. Allow yourself this space and don't beat yourself up over missed time.
Our 7th Golden Cloud Program. Hierdie week het Joy Hoender Sout Pastei gebak…hummm heerlik vir n koue winters aand.

We then spoke to Jaci de Villiers director of the acappella musical, ‘Noah of Cape Town. Noah of Cape Town is the country’s first full-length a cappella musical, created by a stellar artistic team and performed by sixteen talented local voices. It has been eight years in the making and is going to be a unique theatrical feast,” says director Jaci de Villiers. “It blends beautiful music, witty dialogue and sexy design with environmental issues and is an interesting story about the human condition.” It will be presented at the Baxter Theatre from 9 July to 1 August 2009.
Our 7th Golden Cloud Program. Hierdie week het Joy Hoender Sout Pastei gebak…hummm heerlik vir n koue winters aand.

We then spoke to Jaci de Villiers director of the acappella musical, ‘Noah of Cape Town. Noah of Cape Town is the country’s first full-length a cappella musical, created by a stellar artistic team and performed by sixteen talented local voices. It has been eight years in the making and is going to be a unique theatrical feast,” says director Jaci de Villiers. “It blends beautiful music, witty dialogue and sexy design with environmental issues and is an interesting story about the human condition.” It will be presented at the Baxter Theatre from 9 July to 1 August 2009.
Helen Keller
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
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