By Denisia Adams
By Denisia Adams
1.So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.
2.Stupid and insensitive
1.So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.
2.Stupid and insensitive
What represents ‘fertility on the land’ on the South Africa Coat of Arms?
A – table mountain B – the beach C – Ears of wheat
Answer: C – Ears of wheat
What represents ‘fertility on the land’ on the South Africa Coat of Arms?
A – table mountain B – the beach C – Ears of wheat
Answer: C – Ears of wheat
Beethoven was the first composer who never had an official court position, thus the first known freelance musician. Born in 1770, he grew up poor, but published his first work at age 12. By age 20 he was famous. He often sold the same score to six or seven different publishers simultaneously, and demanded unreasonably large fees for the simplest work. He was short, stocky, dressed badly, didn't like to bath, lived in squalor, used crude language, openly conducted affairs with married women, and had syphilis. Beethoven was deaf when he composed his Ninth Symphony.
Beethoven was the first composer who never had an official court position, thus the first known freelance musician. Born in 1770, he grew up poor, but published his first work at age 12. By age 20 he was famous. He often sold the same score to six or seven different publishers simultaneously, and demanded unreasonably large fees for the simplest work. He was short, stocky, dressed badly, didn't like to bath, lived in squalor, used crude language, openly conducted affairs with married women, and had syphilis. Beethoven was deaf when he composed his Ninth Symphony.
How to Celebrate Women's Day
The Russians started International Women's Day in 1909, and they're still the premier celebrators of the March 8 holiday. Around the world, the event is a way to honor women's contributions to history. But in Russia, the festivities go a step further - men and boys are expected to bestow presents on all the women in their lives.
Step 1
Think about the women, living and dead, who have helped shape your life. Do something they (or at least a few of them) would have liked.
Step 2
Consider cooking their favorite food, planting their favorite flowers in your garden or sending a check to their favorite charity.
Step 3
Tell your children about the women you admire most. Talk about both the ones you've known personally and those you've only read about in books.
Step 4
Tour an art museum near you and pay special attention to the work of female artists. Or visit the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.
Step 5
Have a party and invite all the women you never get to spend enough time with.
Step 6
Shower the women in your life with wonderful gifts (if you're a man).
Step 7
Accept graciously when the men in your life shower you with gifts (if you're a woman).
How to Celebrate Women's Day
The Russians started International Women's Day in 1909, and they're still the premier celebrators of the March 8 holiday. Around the world, the event is a way to honor women's contributions to history. But in Russia, the festivities go a step further - men and boys are expected to bestow presents on all the women in their lives.
Step 1
Think about the women, living and dead, who have helped shape your life. Do something they (or at least a few of them) would have liked.
Step 2
Consider cooking their favorite food, planting their favorite flowers in your garden or sending a check to their favorite charity.
Step 3
Tell your children about the women you admire most. Talk about both the ones you've known personally and those you've only read about in books.
Step 4
Tour an art museum near you and pay special attention to the work of female artists. Or visit the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.
Step 5
Have a party and invite all the women you never get to spend enough time with.
Step 6
Shower the women in your life with wonderful gifts (if you're a man).
Step 7
Accept graciously when the men in your life shower you with gifts (if you're a woman).
Caroline Gibello, photographer. She joined us to speak about her career as a photographer, where it’s taking her, what influences her etc. She is also currently running an exhibition in Rose Street in Bo Kaap called ‘A Woman in India’.
Caroline Gibello, photographer. She joined us to speak about her career as a photographer, where it’s taking her, what influences her etc. She is also currently running an exhibition in Rose Street in Bo Kaap called ‘A Woman in India’.
Lastly we were joined by Patrick Tobin, Matthew Stewardson and David Johnson. This trio will be showcasing their skills as The Rat Pack consisting of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr and others. They’ll be lighting up the Cape Town sky with a
Las Vegas ambience, taking us back to the good old days. Check them out at the NewSpace Theatre in 44 Long Street until 30th August 2009.

William Feather
One way to get the most out of life isto look upon it as an adventure.
One way to get the most out of life isto look upon it as an adventure.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
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