Tuesday, June 17, 2008

By Chanel September

Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you had an absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Tuesday. Today is the 17th of June 2008 and that of course means that it is the Tuesday Edition of the Morning Cruise… So once again another long weekend has come and gone, I do hope that you got all and I mean all the rest that you deserve this weekend, and that you got to spend time with those people in your life that you care for so much. I also hope that you relaxed and chilled out too, so that you can start this week a fresh with a positive perspective…turning over a new leave…for me this week I decided to… just take it so easy and I’m sure you’re taking it easy on this Tuesday…

Moving onto today’s show we had all the usuals such as you’re Word of the Day, your SA Q&A, Information Guide, JobShop, and you’re Tip of the Day.

We also had an interview with:

· Joanne Rolt and she’ll be taking to us about Eduplant Competition this completion awards the schools with the best vegetable gardens.

Word of the Day:

ROTUND – round, plump or curved person or object

Trivial Question:

Q: In what year was the city of Pretoria created? Is it…A – 2005, B – 1960 or C – 1855?
A: C – 1855

Tip of the Day:

I spoke about 4 very important and need to know household so here are those tips…So here are some tips …

1. Getting candle wax out of carpets - Its easy... Just use a cloth or brown paper bag... And iron over the stain... The candle wax will then transfer to the cloth or bag... Just make sure to keep the iron in motion so as not to catch the bag on fire...

2. Cleaning Your Telephone - When you notice make-up and gunk on your phone and receiver, use an alcohol-soaked towelette to get it clean. Wipe weekly to prevent dirt and grime build-up on your phone.

3. Keep Drains Fresh Smelling - Give this a try: Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain and follow with 1 cup vinegar. It will fizz up. Wait for about a minute and then let hot water run down the drain. If drain is seriously clogged, you may need to call a plumber.

4. Cleaning up broken glass - If a glass item breaks and tiny pieces are lying all over the floor, its safest to pick them up with a handful of wet cottonwool, even the tiniest shards which you cannot see will stick on the cotton wool. I find this more efficient than using a broom and pan.

Quote of the Day:

William Blake - In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Tuesday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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