By Denisia Adams
Hay it’s the weekend, already? Actually, I’ve been waiting for the weekend it’s been a long week. So I’m just going to have a good time. Enough of my diary entry for the day lets check out what happened on today’s show:
By Denisia Adams
Hay it’s the weekend, already? Actually, I’ve been waiting for the weekend it’s been a long week. So I’m just going to have a good time. Enough of my diary entry for the day lets check out what happened on today’s show:
somnolent \SOM-nuh-luhnt\ , adjective:
1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.
Erin, Kurt, Pam, Preston and Ntumiseng won the Coco Cola Popstars. What was the name of the group they formed?
Answer: 101
Coffee is the world's most popular stimulant: 4 out of 5 Americans drink it, consuming more than 400 million cups a day. Consumption in Scandinavian countries is more than 12kg (26lb) per capita. With more than 25 million people employed in the industry, coffee is one of the largest trade industries in the world.
somnolent \SOM-nuh-luhnt\ , adjective:
1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.
Erin, Kurt, Pam, Preston and Ntumiseng won the Coco Cola Popstars. What was the name of the group they formed?
Answer: 101
Coffee is the world's most popular stimulant: 4 out of 5 Americans drink it, consuming more than 400 million cups a day. Consumption in Scandinavian countries is more than 12kg (26lb) per capita. With more than 25 million people employed in the industry, coffee is one of the largest trade industries in the world.
Coffee is the seed of a cherry from the tree genus Coffea, a tree yielding about 1kg (2lb) of coffee per year. There are more than 25 species of coffee
4 Ways to Stop Overeating
4 Ways to Stop Overeating
1. Keep a log of absolutely everything you eat from the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed.Don't forget to log what you drink as well. Sometimes, just seeing everything on paper is enough to make you realize how much you are eating. Talk with your doctor or nutritionist to see how many calories you really need, and then compare the two. Chances are, you're probably consuming more calories than you thought.
2. Start using smaller plates.
Even if it's only for your meal and not the rest of your family's, studies have shown that smaller plates really do help when it comes to weight loss. Eat only what is on that plate and avoid going back for seconds. You'll get that mental feeling of having cleared your plate, but it will be with much less food than you normally get. If you have difficulty with portion control, this technique can really make the difference.
Even if it's only for your meal and not the rest of your family's, studies have shown that smaller plates really do help when it comes to weight loss. Eat only what is on that plate and avoid going back for seconds. You'll get that mental feeling of having cleared your plate, but it will be with much less food than you normally get. If you have difficulty with portion control, this technique can really make the difference.
3. Get a food scale.
It's tough to know how big a portion should be and having a food scale around really makes it easier. Chances are, what you thought was one serving is probably closer to two. It can seem a little frustrating and quite a bit crazy at first to weigh everything you eat, but after the first week or so it will become old hat.
It's tough to know how big a portion should be and having a food scale around really makes it easier. Chances are, what you thought was one serving is probably closer to two. It can seem a little frustrating and quite a bit crazy at first to weigh everything you eat, but after the first week or so it will become old hat.
4. Allow yourself your favorite foods, but cut back on their size.
In some cases, overeating is triggered by the feeling of being deprived. Instead of quitting all of your favorite foods cold turkey, allow yourself to eat them, but in much smaller quantities. If this is still a problem, try replacing these foods with similar versions that are lower in calories. There are new snacks that are packaged into 100 calories packs that are very similar to popular desserts and these can really help in this situation.
Our fifth Golden Cloud baking program where Joy, the host baked up a storm. This week or seeing that the programme is done in Afrikaans. Hierdie week het Joy Koningin Trou-Kolwyntjies gebak. Hierdie resep is a baie goeie idieë as jy iets “modern” wil doen vir n troue. Dit is hou dit gaan wees:
In some cases, overeating is triggered by the feeling of being deprived. Instead of quitting all of your favorite foods cold turkey, allow yourself to eat them, but in much smaller quantities. If this is still a problem, try replacing these foods with similar versions that are lower in calories. There are new snacks that are packaged into 100 calories packs that are very similar to popular desserts and these can really help in this situation.
Our fifth Golden Cloud baking program where Joy, the host baked up a storm. This week or seeing that the programme is done in Afrikaans. Hierdie week het Joy Koningin Trou-Kolwyntjies gebak. Hierdie resep is a baie goeie idieë as jy iets “modern” wil doen vir n troue. Dit is hou dit gaan wees:

We then were joined by the very passionate Moreira Chonguica the led to the Afro-jazz band Moreira project. He joined us to express his love for music, for what he does as well as how it feels to be a multi-winning SAMA award winner.
We lastly were joined by Linda Howel-ley to briefly tell us about the annual South African Artist Society members exhibition taking place at the Sanlam Hall at the Kirstenbosch Gardens.
You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
PS. Listen to the Morning Cruise every weekday Mon – Fri from 9am – 12pm frequency 89.5fm or listen via audio-streaming click on
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