Monday, August 25, 2008


Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you well and oh so good. Just a reminder…Today is the 25th August 2008 and that of course means that it is the Monday Edition of the Morning Cruise…So it’s Monday, so it’s a new week, but at the same time it’s also the last week of August and the last few official days of winter too now that I know is music to many people’s ears, I just can’t believe it because after September the end of the year is just a little bit loser…So I love the newness of a new week turning over a new leaf and starting something off at a fresh start…Is there anything that you have planned this week…maybe you’ve been putting it off for a while now, but you feel that I simply must this week no more procrastinating… maybe you chose to take up a arts and crafts class at a community organization, maybe you decided to become a volunteer in your area or maybe you’ve even decided to go on a diet now that’s a biggie or maybe you just had enough of your current situation weather in a relationship, at work and you feel you need some change…non the less whatever you decided all I’m going to say is go for it.

Now in today’s show, I’ll be bringing you all the favorites of the show that truly make the Morning Cruise what it is with a twist of course because Monday’s here on MC will be just a little different and the change needs you participation…Monday’s have been dubbed the Best of the Best because we gonna feature everything of the best in the last week, so it will the Word of the Day the word that you feel is the best of the week that was, the same for your SA Q&A, Tip of the Day and Quote of the Day and don’t forget those interviews… it’s all the best of the best.

We also had interview with:

· Professor Keymantari Moodley and she joined me on the line to chat about a flu treatment research project sounds very interesting especially since the change in seasons.

· We also spoke to Daphne Brandbury and she me joined me in the studio we’ll be talking about the guidelines for drug testing at schools, I know a lot of people are pretty divided on drug testing in schools parents, schools and learners have there own opinions.

· Lastly we spoke to Tessa Sliverbreur and she joined me on the line to talk about dehydration, the importance of drinking water, and the symptoms to look out for if you feel that you are dehydrated.

Word of the Day:

CUR - a mean, cowardly person

Trivial Question:

Q: Name the dried meat snack that originated in South Africa?
A: Biltong

Tip of the Day:

So I hope that you thought about your body and your self image there of…So you know that feeling many of us had it before we wish we had a smaller stomach, better legs or that we were thinner so that we can go into that bikini…now you know that summer is coming up so it’s even worst because you can’t hide anything…So I’ve got a few pointers on ways to improve your overall body image, which will be an integral part of the recovery process. Everyone should feel good about their body, no matter what size you are…

1. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in - Don’t wear clothes that feel too tight or restrict movement. Don't hold off on buying clothes you like - do it now! Dress to express yourself, not to impress others. You should feel good in what you wear.

2. Stay away from the scale - as a matter of fact, get rid of it! If your weight needs to be monitored, leave that up to the doctors. How much you weigh should never affect your self-esteem or your sense of who you are.

3. Before you look in the mirror, think optimistically - When you start your day, decide how you are feeling before going to the mirror. No one looks good with bed-head, and our moods aren't determined by the reflection we see. Start your day with self-affirmations, relax in a hot shower, think of all the positive ways you will cope with any stresses of the day ahead and think of the things you have to be thankful for in your life.

4. Talk to yourself at the mirror - Focus on what you like and remind yourself that it's okay to like and appreciate what you see, no matter what size you are.

5. Make a "why I like myself" list - Think of all the things about YOU that you like -- are you honest? Creative? Intelligent? Compassionate? Loyal? Kind? Think of all the reason you deserve to love yourself and write them down.

6. Take the time to do nice things for your body - One a month get a massage, a manicure, or a facial. Pamper yourself to long hot baths by candlelight. Get together with a friend and give each other pedicures.

7. Take risks to challenge yourself - Think of things you normally wouldn't do and try them (you'll find out that the world won't cave in) -- leave the house without makeup, get a wild new haircut, spend all day in your pajamas or go out to run an errand in them.

8. Stay alert to fighting negative self-talk - When that little voice of doom pops up in your mind trying to remind you how horrible you think you are, have a strategy for turning those negatives to positives.

9. Stay active - Movement therapy is something that helps improve everyone's sense of being. Take up Yoga or Tai' Chi. Join a Karate class. Take a thirty-minute walk three days a week. Get outside and play volleyball with the kids or go rollerskating in the park with your friends. Take a leisurely bike ride at sunrise. Make angels in the snow and sandcastles at the beach. Be active and enjoy life!

10. Ask for a hug when you need it - Sometimes there is no better therapy then a hug and a kind word from someone that cares about you, but our loved-ones aren't mind readers! Tell them when you're having a bad day and ask for a hug, a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen.

Quote of the Day:

Muriel Strode - Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Monday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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