Find out about community developments, ngo’s, npo’s in Cape Town and how they are making lives better only on MC! ..............................
By Denisia Adams
1. having the same meaning (as)
2. closely associated (with): a family whose name had been synonymous with fine jewellery
The BBC World service celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a broadcast from this site?
A – at BBC B – Table Mountain C – Bo Kaap
Answer: B – Table Mountain
In 1889, Kansas undertaker Almon B. Strowger wanted to prevent telephone operators from advising his rivals of the death of local citizens. So he invented the automatic exchange. ALSO DID YOU KNOW Accounts from Holland and Spain suggest that during the 1500s and 1600s urine was commonly used as a tooth-cleaning agent.
How to Be Responsible
The difference between being responsible and being irresponsible whittles down to two things: accountability and adaptability. A responsible person owns up to their role in any situation, and learns from their mistakes. An irresponsible person shifts the blame to someone or something else, and makes the same mistakes over and over again.
1.Understand that responsibility is earned.
It's not something you're entitled to. If someone is hesitant to give you additional responsibility, it's probably because you've been nonchalant with the responsibilities you already have. And you might think "But the responsibilities I have now are so petty/boring/etc., and if I'm given more of a challenge, I'll take it more seriously." But that's a classic characteristic of irresponsible people. They do things as long as they're challenging, fun, and new, and when that fades, they lose interest. A responsible person does what they said they'd do, because they said they would. Period. So if you want to be seen as more responsible, think about the responsibilities you already have, and take them more seriously, no matter how pointless they might seem. Consider it a way to pay your dues.
2.Stop making excuses.
In any situation, there are always some factors we can't control. Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and vocalize them as excuses. Anytime you make an excuse, it's like saying "I am not responsible for this because..." and what you're really saying is "I am not responsible." Pay attention to how you think and talk--do you find yourself making excuses? Excuses come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common is "I would/would've, BUT..."
3.View yourself as a creator, not a victim, of circumstance.
No one has complete control over how things turn out, but unless you're being forced to do something against your will, you still have a chance to influence the outcome. Many people who don't take responsibility for their lives see themselves as helpless, and their own efforts as futile. If this is how you feel, read up on How to Be Optimistic and How to Be Bold.
4.Overcome your fear of failure.
When you take responsibility for something, it essentially means that you'll take the blame if it doesn't work out. So it's easy to fall back on the idea that if you don't take responsibility, you'll never fail. But the only way you can succeed is if you allow yourself to make mistakes that you can learn from. In other words, it's not the end of the world if you mess up! And if there's someone in your life who's making it seem that way, they're probably assigning you too much responsibility (perhaps so that they can shed some of their own).
5.Acknowledge your role.
Whether something goes right or wrong, make it a point to announce your role in the situation to the people involved. If the dog peed on the carpet, and you ignored its whimpering and scratching at the door right before it happened, apologize to your parents or roommates. If the dog rolled over on command, and it's because you'd been training it for 20 minutes a day, say so! Don't be shy about admitting your mistakes as well as taking credit for your efforts. Not only will it reinforce your own sense of responsibility, but it will also gain respect (from anyone whose respect is worth getting).
6. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
It's not responsible to make commitments that you probably can't keep, even if you really, really, really want to keep them. Sometimes saying "no" is the most responsible thing to do. If you have too much on your plate, learn how to say "no" and how to delegate. If you're stretching yourself thin trying to keep everyone happy, you might also want to learn how to stop being a people pleaser. Either way, there is such a thing as taking on too much responsibility, and that is irresponsible in and of itself.
Recorded interviews done with Tracey Carter and Natalie van Eden as well as Mr Ivan Wrenn.
Tracey Carter and Natalie van Eden joined us to speak about their community organisation they’re involved in called The Global Vision Foundation. The organsiation basically sees to the need of the youth, be it food, resources for school you name it. Moving on to Mr Ivan Wrenn who joined us to speak about the FREE computer lessons he offers in his small home in Heideveld despite the continuous struggle to get funds to simple maintain the little he has.
Check out our archives and find out more about what we have been doing. *NB don’t forget to comment!
Johann Gottfried Von Herder
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
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