Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lit Life in Studio!

Lit Life is an event promotion company run by five friends that helps bring accessible options for youth to party and for DJs to perform. Today, we had them in to the studio to talk about what they do. Their aim is to make every party a lit one. "Nothing basic", as they said in studio! They wanted to create an affordable partying and music sharing platform for youth, after they were kicked out of a club on Long Street. They work to cover promotion, representation, hosting, and organizing for these events and their hosts and DJs.

Their company started last year, working through struggles like lack of support and the struggle to separate personal life from work life in order to become a team. One of the main difficulties they have in the industry is facing the competition and 'entitlement issues' in the business. They say that the people in the party industry can get very territorial or possessive over their turf, and that can often be a challenge. This week, on Thursday, they have an event coming up.
To learn more, you can contact them on social media:

@Neliswa Ngada



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