By Denisia Adams
Hello there. Hope you feeling wonderful and If you realised how broke you really are like myself…try not think about it that much.
Today on the Morning Cruise was Community Buzz Thursday where we kept you in touch and in tune with your community.
satiety \suh-TY-uh-tee\ :The state of being full or gratified to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
satiety \suh-TY-uh-tee\ :The state of being full or gratified to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
Example sentence:Our host presented one sumptuous dish after another, and we ate to satiety.
Who was the only South African rugby player who had play in three successive World Cups?
Answer: Os Durandt
Who was the only South African rugby player who had play in three successive World Cups?
Answer: Os Durandt
In ancient times, it was believed that certain colours could combat the evil spirits that lingered over nurseries. Because blue was associated with the heavenly spirits, boys were clothed in that colour, boys then being considered the most valuable resource to parents. Although baby girls did not have a colour associated with them, they were mostly clothed in black. It was only in the Middle Ages when pink became associated with baby girls.
In ancient times, it was believed that certain colours could combat the evil spirits that lingered over nurseries. Because blue was associated with the heavenly spirits, boys were clothed in that colour, boys then being considered the most valuable resource to parents. Although baby girls did not have a colour associated with them, they were mostly clothed in black. It was only in the Middle Ages when pink became associated with baby girls.
TIP OF THE DAY (www.ehow.com)
How to Prevent Odor Causes
Step 1
Wash or replace shower curtains and floor mats regularly. The more people that use the showers, the more frequently the curtains and floor mats should be washed or replaced.
How to Prevent Odor Causes
Step 1
Wash or replace shower curtains and floor mats regularly. The more people that use the showers, the more frequently the curtains and floor mats should be washed or replaced.
Step 2
Replace sponges, loofas and other bath implements regularly because bacteria grow on them very quickly.
Replace sponges, loofas and other bath implements regularly because bacteria grow on them very quickly.
Step 3
Refresh bath, hand and face towels as often as necessary.
Refresh bath, hand and face towels as often as necessary.
Step 4
Dry the counter and sink area after washing your hands and face to minimize mildew and scum buildup.
Dry the counter and sink area after washing your hands and face to minimize mildew and scum buildup.
Step 5
Ventilate the bathroom or keep the exhaust fan on for a few minutes after every bath or shower to reduce moisture that encourages molds and mildew.
Ventilate the bathroom or keep the exhaust fan on for a few minutes after every bath or shower to reduce moisture that encourages molds and mildew.
Step 6
Empty the trash bins often. Use plastic liners for easy collection and disposal.
Empty the trash bins often. Use plastic liners for easy collection and disposal.
Principle of Voorspoed Primary in Hanover Park, Mr Rodney Theys. He joined us as a proud principle to share with us the successes of the schools projects involving learners. Whether it be with the gardening project, growing vegetables for the schools feeding scheme or just maintaining a clean and safe environment. Bare in mind Hanover Park is not one of Cape Town's elite areas and the school doesn't have the best facilities and we were also informed that the school haven't received much assistance from funders and the department. They are currently seeking assistance with equipment, rakes, seeds etc. If you can assist in anyway contact the school at 021 692 14 10 speak to either the project coordinator Joanne Campbell or Mr Rodney Theys.

Principle of Voorspoed Primary in Hanover Park, Mr Rodney Theys. He joined us as a proud principle to share with us the successes of the schools projects involving learners. Whether it be with the gardening project, growing vegetables for the schools feeding scheme or just maintaining a clean and safe environment. Bare in mind Hanover Park is not one of Cape Town's elite areas and the school doesn't have the best facilities and we were also informed that the school haven't received much assistance from funders and the department. They are currently seeking assistance with equipment, rakes, seeds etc. If you can assist in anyway contact the school at 021 692 14 10 speak to either the project coordinator Joanne Campbell or Mr Rodney Theys.
Lastly Michael Jacobs – chairperson of Mitchell’s Plain community police forum, joined us to speak about the Lost City Street Committee. Tired of escalating crime, Lost City residents hav
e organised themselves into street committees. As well as the rest of Mitchell’s Plain. The idea of street committees was first implemented in Portlands Mitchell’s Plain by mothers tired of the drugs and crime in the area. Michael Jacobs says the street committees have been proven to be a success with crime being under wraps and Mitchell’s Plain being more safe for visitors. To find out more about the street committees or to attend one of the meetings contact Michael on 082 421 86 58.

Eleanor Roosevelt
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
Eleanor Roosevelt
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
PS. Listen to the Morning Cruise every weekday Mon – Fri from 9am – 12pm frequency 89.5fm or listen via audio-streaming click on http://www.bushradio.co.za/
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