Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Mediator seniors' Club’s pre New Year eves dance

Mediator seniors' Club’s pre New Year eves dance
We had a quick talk yesterday about cherishing our grandmothers’, and funny enough, today we had an interview with Doreen Goliath from the Mediators Seniors’ Club from Portlands in Mitchells Plain.

Doreen mentioned that her grandchildren are treating her very well, and the two granddaughters are non-abusive, beautiful and loving children. My co-host Khusi asked Doreen to inform us a bit more about Media Senior. They were established in 1991, where about 50 members are involved in the club. Their special “meet up” day is normally on a Monday, where she has her hands full with taking care of their needs. She considers the club to be more like a family and intend on discussing health issues, problems with children and any matters under the sun worth mentioning. 

Doreen has one son, since two of her sons died. She also acknowledges the fact she has a small family, but considers the club members as her new, big family.
When Khusi asked about some of the problems elderly people face where grandchildren turn to abusing their grandparents, she replied with “substance abuse, my dear.” She further explains that these grandchildren likes to take from the grandparents and parents like stealing money and household appliances. Other elders that are not in the group, come to Doreen and the Mediators Club to speak about their problems. 

Doreen and her crew aren’t classified as “old people”. They do not knit or sow as she handsomely mentioned, but rather speak to one another, share with one another also love dancing. Doreen gives 3 dances per year, and this is one of the ways that they accumulate funds. They also go on lunches, picnics and other lovely activities. Doreen even asked Michaela, our co-host, to come and show them a thing or two.
Their pre-new year dance on the 30th of December is for the members to have fun. The venue will be at Portlands high school in Mitchells Plain. They are a club that does not get funding from anywhere, besides the events that they host. The members pay a sub-fee every month during the year, and have raffles right through the year. They are a self-sustaining club that intends on keeping this wonderful club going for many more years.

To contact Doreen in helping them raise funds or just lend a helping hand, you can phone her on 021 371 1993. Her cell number is 078 507 5234. And lastly, to get to the event, the road’s name you should take is Merrydale. Entry fee is R40 to attend, bring your own XYZ. Doreen wishes everyone has a prosperous festive season and bless everyone abundantly.

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