Thursday, July 04, 2024

Presentation of Athenkosi Prince Ntshentshe


Presentation of Athenkosi Prince Ntshentshe

Athenkosi Prince Ntshentshe is the founder of Ntshentshe Academy, located in Masiphumelele, Cape Town. Established on July 8, 2023, the academy aims to break the cycle of poverty through quality education. Ntshentshe Academy provides a safe space for children, offering homework supervision, reading sessions, and life skills. For the children in Masiphumelele, the academy serves as a second home where they receive attention and appreciation, helping them improve in reading and overall academic performance. Athenkosi's dedication to improving the lives of young learners is evident in his commitment to providing a nurturing and supportive environment.


This idea came from his life experience, living with his mother’s cousin, who was only 5 years older than Athenkosi. No one checked his homework or also asked how his day was at school etc. He had to do everything on his own; therefore, he decided to open Ntshentshe Academy, for kids that has no one to speak to and to assist with bettering their schoolwork. He feels that it is important to be there for kids as a parent as it helps with boosting their self-confidence and so that the kids can improve every time.


He says that the parents of his students comes from black communities where they’re surrounded and involved with a lot of crime, so the parents are not really there for the kids as they should be. That is some of the challenges that Athenkosi is facing, on certain occasions he would be in the middle of students and their parents. His academy also provides the children with food. He is hoping that the academy reaches a point where there are 1000 students, also from other communities nearby.


He is looking for funding’s and a space where his workers can cook for the kids, so that they have food for after school. He says that this is his passion and that he loves doing this for the kids, he even left his 9-5, he is a qualified financial adviser but left everything as his academy is his passion. His biggest aim now is to get proper funding, which he has been applying. His words of motivation is that ‘it’s all up to you, as a person. Remember your dreams and goals, accomplish it and keep praying. If you know that you’re not happy with your 9-5 and you have a business that you want to achieve, achieve it once you can”.


Blogger: Demi Sebastian

Presenters: Khusi, Shanna, Simon and Demi

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