Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A dream of giving back — Morning Cruise Interview with Homba Mazaleni

Last Wednesday, Homba Mazaleni joined the morning cruise to raise awareness for the University of Western Cape’s Mandela Day fundraiser and to talk about her life goals.

Just the very next day, Bush Radio and UWC paired up to raise 1 billion Rand for UWC’s legacy fund. 

“We all know that UWC is an amazing institution, but we also need this money so we can further our campus and make sure we have the infrastructure we need so we can go on and educate our community at large,” said Mazaleni.

A biokinetics student at UWC, Mazaleni is actively involved in her community. While balancing school work and her position at UWC, she placed in the top five for Miss South Africa 2023 and frequently volunteers her time to help others. 

“I live a life where I just want to give back, it’s a calling within me, and I just have to honor that,” said Mazaleni.

Mazaleni said that getting into the honors program and pushing through was her most transformative college experience. She will graduate at the end of this next semester.

“For me, my big dream in this life, is to become a doctor within biokinetics…and use all the knowledge in health and in wellness to better my community, so to really just give back honestly to make sure that all the gifts that I’m given, I give back to the community that raised me.”

Morning Cruise Host Khusi and Mazaleni also discussed how the country is slowly changing. Mazaleni noted that as someone who was born after 1994, she was done waiting on the “old promises” of the government, but instead is looking excitedly towards a new future.

”I’ve got some hope, and maybe I am a little bit naive—who knows—but it’s almost sinful to not hope, I can’t live without hope,” said Mazaleni

Before ending the interview, the UWC student gave some words of advice:

”There’s a reason that you’ve been given this beautiful dream, and you have to honor it, because only you know what’s in you heart and only you know what. you’re capable of. So stick to what you know, and stick to what has been told within you.”

You can follow Homba Mazaleni on Instagram @homba_mazaleni and on TikTok @homa_mazaleni 

Listen to the interview here

Presentor: Mkuseli Khusi Veto

Producer: Nikoletta Anagnostou

Written by Nikoletta Anagnostou

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