Tuesday, July 01, 2008

By Chanel September

Good Day! How are you doing? I hope that you had an absolutely fabulous on this oh so good Tuesday. Today is the1st of July 2008 and that of course means that it is the Tuesday edition of the Morning Cruise…so Tuesday is here and it’s just a little different because it’s the start of the new month mmm time sure does fly I do think that we are in fact in the middle of the winter season and my birthday month too…but as you know I’ll be easing you through until 12 on this July 1st edition of MC…

Moving onto today’s show we had all the usuals such as you’re Word of the Day, your SA Q&A, and you’re Tip of the Day.

We also had interview with:

· Kashiefa Damoen from the Africa’s Women Network she spoke to us about the organisation itself and how they empower women in different communities.

· We also spoke to Warren Baynes and he’ll be chatting to us about a new green movement called No standing for environmental pollution.

· Lastly we spoke to Martine Joubert from the Mended Heart Support Group and she’ll be chatting to us about the support group and how they help those affect by heart related diseases.

Word of the Day:

CYNOSURE - Anything to which attention is strongly turned; a centre of attention

Trivial Question:

Q: What is the last word in the national anthem? A- Land, B – Together or C – We
A: A- Land

Tip of the Day:

I spoke about negative people that never have anything good to say, they also always bring you down and in some cases it can affect a person and your self esteem really badly…so here are those tips on handling negative people…

1. Steer the conversation. If a friend starts being negative, try to steer the conversation in a more positive way. For example, if a friend starts complaining about the rain say, “Yes, but I love the way it makes all my flowers grow.” Perhaps the person doesn’t realize just how negative they really are.

2. Avoid gossip. Gossip is a form of negativity. Family calls you with the latest family “news”. A coworker wants to tell you about another coworker. Politely tell people that you aren’t interested in gossip and will form your own opinions about people. Gossip often breeds envy when in reality, you can accomplish things in your own life.

3. Just say no. If someone is persistently negative around you, don’t be afraid to tell them that you don’t appreciate it. Of course, try to find a diplomatic way to say so.

4. Try to understand. It may help if you try to understand why someone is being negative. Maybe there is something you can do to try to help them? There are many reasons for negativity. These include abusive relationships, discontent, or clinical depression. Perhaps if they realize that someone generally wants to see them happy, they will change.

5. Be positive. If you realize that you have a problem with negativity, don’t try to change all at once. Start out by promising yourself that you will say one positive thing each day.

Quote of the Day:

Jerome Cummings - A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway

It’s time for me to love and leave you. You must have oh so super Tuesday. Let’s chat again tomorrow…Much Love…Peace.

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