Thursday, July 05, 2018


Prominent nonprofit in Manenburg will be holding their second annual clothing drive for the homeless this Saturday, July 7 in Cape Town. Hoppers is a non-profit organization based out of one of the most crime-ridden townships in Cape Town, Manenburg. The two representatives of the organization, Shafiek and Yousouf, joined us in the studio this morning.

Hoppers at Bush Radio

Shafiek described that organization was born out of a desire to serve people who are homeless. He said that one day he saw a homeless person on the side of the road and pulled over, realized it was one of his relatives. When he shared this experience with his friends, they all realized that everyone has someone in their family who is homeless or poor.

So, Hoppers was founded. It focuses on empowering youth to reject a life of gangsterism and instead stay in school. Yusuf said although the youth are the most important demographic, they serve all ages of people. He said that because everyone is human, they deserve to have their basic human needs met.

The Beanie and Blanky Drive will put extra clothes and food into the hands of people who are truly in need. Shafiek and Yusuf personally deliver many of these resources. They both are extremely passionate about the organization and encourage everyone to come out and support. Even if you do not have anything to donate, you can come to the Grand Parade during the drive. The organization is also welcoming people to join them in sleeping overnight on the streets to understand better how the homeless live.

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