Thursday, May 24, 2018

Shaquille Southgate says SHUT UP JUST DANCE!

Shaquille Southgate, is the senior administrator, events manager, sound technician of Heal The Hood.
Heal the Hood is a non-profit organisation, utilizing the elements of Hip Hop to bring about change in the Cape Flats. They Utilize the different elements of rap, graffiti and dance just to let kids express themselves in a positive manner. They use the original meaning of Hip Hop which is Peace, love and unity and having fun and they do so by teaching the kids that they can make a change and a difference in the world by utilizing these art forms. This will be Heal the Hood's 20th year since it started, with or without funding they still persevered.

Speaking about the event taking place at Jolly Carp in Retreat on Saturday 26th May from  6pm  till 11pm. Shut Up just Dance is an annual event , that has always been linked with the Black Noise Anniversary. The name Shut up just Dance derived from the old days when people settled there disputes on the dance floor, very clever right? they basically saying "Keep Quiet and settle it on the dancefloor."

Shut up just Dance will be a run up to the African Hip Hop Indaba, it will be focusing more on the solo aspects of the dance battles. Showcasing then different dances such as:

  •  in the under 16 division will be all styles (krump bgirl and bboy categories)
  • Over 16, all styles krump popping, as well as 2 on 2 bboy
The prizes will be as following:
  • Junior division winners win R250 per category
  • Senior  R500 per category
  • 2 on 2 bboy R1000
The event will be showcasing some of their childrens projects their art, and a perfomance by the kids as well.

Tickets pre-sold R50 
at the door  R80

Facebook: Heal The Hood Project
Whatsapp: 0718363517

"Leave the ego at the door, and shut up Just Dance!" - Shaquile Southgate

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