Friday, October 13, 2017

Seraphims Young Women Organization

On October 13, 2017 Tswelelepele Morei from Seraphim's Young Women Organization, came to visit  Bush Radio 89.5 FM to discuss her organization.

Seraphim's Young Women Organization empowers young women from their teenage years up until their 30s to be the best version of themselves. The organizations help women that come from bad situations like rape or teenage pregnancies and help transform them into even better individuals.According to Morei, it is important for young ladies to have positive role models to help  change their situations.She then uses an examples that refers to oceans. She comes from an area that does not have oceans which then as a result limited her knowledge about oceans because she wasn't exposed to them.However, when she moved to Cape Town which is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean her knowledge about oceans grew because she was now exposed to it.She gave this example to say that if people are not exposed to better they might not know that they can have better because it isn't visible.

The organization has two strategies to help young women turn their lives around.The first thing is through community service. Members of the organizations plan to go into several townships in Cape Town to help those women that are in need of their services mentally,physically,and emotionally.The second strategy they plan to use is modeling and photography.There is this thought that when you "look better you do better" which means that when people look their best and they are happy with themselves and it inspires them to do great things.

Tswelelepele Morei on Facebook for more info.

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