Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Now in studio: RFK Krump Dance!

RFK Krump Dance, established in 2009, is a dance school that teaches Krump dancing. Krump dancing is a very aggressive and expressive dance that tries to portray strong emotion through dance. It is a slowly growing dance type in South Africa and around the world. They have an event coming up in April called the 12th Fam Feuds, a dance battle platform, and we discussed that and what the event will be like. For more info on the event, see the social media tags below.   VIDEO TO COME 

"ROYAL FAM KINGS were created as an exclusive Krump FAM in August 2009 by Cape Town Krump's most active and committed Krumpers to truly start the Cape Town Krump Movement. The initial members came together in an attempt to properly represent and push the movement of Krump in Cape Town. ROYAL FAM KINGS immediately started entering all Krump events and quickly established themselves as the first exclusive Krump FAM in Cape Town, whether performing at shows, entering battles, hosting Krump sessions, teaching, or community outreach RFK seeks to continually push the Krump movement in Cape Town. Within the structure of RFK new members are selected not on the basis of skill and dance ability and there are no auditions to join RFK, new members are instead selected on the basis of their potential, commitment and passion. Potential new members spend time with the RFK Fam and in this process relationships are formed as we are a Fam (family) and not a dance crew so this is crucial in becoming a part of RFK as the PARENT BODY." (http://kmtulu.wixsite.com/royal-fam-kings/about-us)

Same for most social media

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