By Denisia Adams
chary adj. char•i•er, char•i•est
1. Very cautious; wary: was chary of the risks involved.
2. Not giving or expending freely; sparing: was chary of compliments.
About 42,000 tennis balls are used in the plus-minus 650 matches in the Wimbledon Championship. ALSO DID YOU KNOW In 1898, one of the first programs to be broadcasted on radio was a yacht race that took place in British waters
How to Cure Face Skin Irritation
Irritation of facial skin, particularly in women, is not at all uncommon. Between cosmetic products, excessive washing and exfoliating, stress and sun, wind and weather exposure, you are actually pretty unusual if you do not have facial skin irritation at least occasionally. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with this issue.
1. Step 1
Exfoliate on a schedule. You should not exfoliate your face more than once every three days. It can cause dry skin, peeling and redness. However, with exfoliation being touted as the newest cure for age signs, many people succumb to the temptation to exfoliate daily. Keep track of how often you exfoliate and make sure you give your face at least two days break between treatments.
2. Step 2
Wash off all your makeup every evening. Leaving cosmetics on overnight is the fastest path to a breakout. Use warm water and gentle cleanser to remove all makeup before bed.
3. Step 3
Use sunscreen. The sun feels great, but it will dry out your skin and can cause redness and irritation. Protecting yourself with an SPF 15 or higher will help prevent sun irritation on a daily basis.
4. Step 4
Treat yourself to a milk facial. If your skin is always inflamed, then a milk and water facial (1/2 cup of each) can sooth your skin and reduce age lines naturally. You can give yourself one each day, or once or twice a week as a special treat. Be sure to wash your face off with warm water when you are done.
5. Step 5
Bathe your face with baking soda water. Use a soft cloth and a mixture of a cup of water and an eighth a cup of baking soda. Do not scrub your face, but pat it gently onto your face. Many people soak a washcloth in the mixture and lay it on their face like a mask for ten to twenty minutes. Be sure to wash it off with warm water when you are done.
Clinical psychologist and sex therapist Claire Rockcliff Fiddler. She joined us to discuss Teens and pornography specially on how parents can address the situation.
I then spoke to Miranda Friedman- Director of WMACA. We then discussed how underage drinking causes or plays a role in sexual violation of teenagers. Check of the press release:
Teenage alcohol abuse is a huge problem in South Africa
Each year more and more young people become statistics as underage drinking is increasingly becoming an acceptable part of daily life. The physical and psychological effects of drinking on young people are devastating. “Of particular concern to Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA) is the number of teenagers that seek help at crisis centres, clinics and police with symptoms of sexual violence, physical abuse, STD's and pregnancy and where these have occurred in situations where they themselves have been drinking,” says Miranda Friedmann, director of WMACA. Many of the times, acts of sexual violence occur when the young victim is out partying with boys their own age or older men who view them as soft targets. The opportunity usually arises when they are separated from their friends or when they leave the party and make their way home.
“We are extremely worried about the high levels of teenage drinking at the end of exams,” says Friedmann. Binge drinking to relieve exam stress is not confined to matric learners and tertiary education students but also to learners from as early as Grade 10 onwards. This has been observed at some of WMACA’s Kidz Clinics where there is a trend for `ukugeza ama ball pen, translated as `washing pens’ where school children get drunk on the last day of exams. “This seems to be the main form of entertainment despite many other recreational options that are available. Friedmann continues: “This form of stress relieving stretches from Sandton, Melville and the other Northern and Eastern suburbs of Johannesburg to Soweto and Orange Farm. Teenage drinking may be the result of poor role models or parents who spend their Christmas bonuses on alcohol. It is also closely associated with parental neglect.
One of the cases that was reported to WMACA’s East Rand Kidz Clinic occurred during December 2009 when a 15-year old girl went to visit her sister and fiancé. They then joined the fiancé at his home where he had a braai with his cousin and friends. The girl ended up having a lot to drink, got drunk at the braai, and then went to find a bed to lie down. She was followed by a 35-year old cousin who raped her. The victim fell pregnant; a case was opened and she has subsequently decided to undergo an abortion. The case is both with the police and our clinic.
Another example took place at the WMACA Kidz Clinic in Orange Farm. Two young girls decided to go partying after exams, lying to their mothers that they were each staying overnight at each other’s homes. However they went from party to party, consuming various amounts and types of alcohol, and at one of these parties they were separated and unfortunately one of the girls got raped.
WMACA, in no way, puts any BLAME on these young girls that were sexually abused but we do want to stress that the consumption of alcohol makes them easy targets and largely defenceless against sexual predators.
In South Africa statistics show that 25% of teenagers drink because they are bored and a further 25% said drinking gets them “high” whilst 40% of teens drink because they are sad.
Winston Churchill
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
That’s it for the Morning Cruise, where we cruise through your weekday here on BushRadio 89.5fm live on your stereo between 9am – 12pm with me Denisia Adams. Take Care ... make the best of your day and Keep the Faith. Stay Real!!!!!!!!!!
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